Frequently asked questions.

  • Does Thao speak English or Vietnamese?

  • Answer: I provide my services in both English and Vietnamese.

  • How long will I need therapy?

  • Answer: The length of therapy depends on the individual's goals, the nature of the issues being addressed, and the approach the therapist uses. Some people may find short-term therapy effective for specific issues, while others may engage in longer-term therapy for deeper work or ongoing support.

  • How do I know if therapy is working?

  • Answer: You should start noticing changes in how you think, feel, or behave. For example, you might feel more self-aware, better able to handle stress, or more connected to others. Progress is often gradual, and therapists will check in with you to discuss improvements or setbacks.

  • Is what I say in therapy confidential?

  • Answer: Yes, confidentiality is a cornerstone of psychotherapy. Therapists are legally and ethically bound to protect your privacy. However, there are exceptions, such as if you are at risk of harming yourself or others, or if abuse is disclosed. Therapists will explain the limits of confidentiality at the start of therapy.

  • Will therapy be uncomfortable?

  • Answer: Therapy can bring up difficult emotions, and it’s normal to feel some discomfort as you confront painful memories or explore challenging topics. However, the goal is to create a safe, supportive environment where you can work through these feelings at your own pace.

  • Will therapy help me "fix" everything in my life?

  • Answer: Therapy is not a magic cure, but it can provide valuable tools for managing emotions, understanding patterns, and making positive changes. While it might not immediately "fix" everything, it can support personal growth, healing, and improved mental well-being.